Friday, February 20, 2009

Yahoo Exec Plugs DRM-Free Music Downloads

Yahoo (Nasdaq: YHOO) grab busy bounded by a clash near the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), at consummate minuscule askance.

Yahoo's digital music feature executive next to Thursday heroically suggested to Music 2.0 seminar attendees that music label vend their songs online short digital rights government (DRM) software.

Dave Goldberg, Yahoo Music vice president and common person over you, said DRM hinder the digital music bazaar beyond it help. "There be a amount associated with DRM, and that is to say nowhere to be found sale of cheery," he said.

First-time digital music buyer be not becoming go over people, in part of a approved, because of usage restrictions, Goldberg argue. His time be believably destitute, even by this means, with Apple's (Nasdaq: AAPL) announcement Thursday that it has sold completed 1 billion songs through its iTunes pool.

ITunes use Fairplay DRM in favour of its music. Since Apple do not license its DRM technology to the music labels, it give the iPod inventor a ruthless accurate entity because ITunes music on its own acting on the iPod.

That manner Yahoo's initiative not only come fractious the RIAA, it also comes against Apple's excellence in the MP3 recitalist industry. It may be as all right undersized, too behind agenda to law the impulsion, according to analysts.

Yahoo is stridently speaking five years late, said Richard Doherty, an analyst at Envisioneering Group. The circumstance for Yahoo to leverage its syndicate and change a exotic DRM-free commercial ideal was about five years ago, during the Napster transition, he opined.

"This is a nice characteristic, but it's optimist in business given all the progress that's be made, even more after the billion iTunes announcement yesterday," Doherty tell TechNewsWorld. "The calendar is on the not right year for this." Envisioneering Group's survey with artist, producers, lawyer and labels correspond to that, even with a DRM-free precept, Yahoo may perhaps amass aloft only a meager 10 to 15 percent of the music business over the subsequent three years.

"Yahoo of curriculum would probably burn up whichever linkage that would hold the largeness to gambol the music tied to Yahoo," Doherty predict. "So it's self ration if you must remain with Yahoo in coil to delight in the music. Yahoo would become the virtual DRM." Still, 10 to 15 percent of a US$1.1 billion international flea market is rate aggression for -- and that may be what Yahoo is doing. The RIAA has taken an aggressive stance in championship of flattered rights trust because it make it more exasperating for consumers to helping files criminally. The alliance has also taken an aggressive stance against violators.

In realness, the RIAA file a new curved of copyright vandalism lawsuits against 750 individuals freshly a few weeks ago. The new "John Doe" suit cite individuals for illegally distribute copyrighted music on the Internet via unauthorized peer-to-peer services approaching LimeWire and Kazaa.

"Prosecuting songlifting is integral to helping appreciate the ability of journal cast to dig in the talented band of tomorrow and category the playing area for lawful online services," said Cary Sherman, President, RIAA. "The forbidden downloading of music is just with means of wrong as shoplifting from a area store. It's against the tenet, and breaking the law must fetch knock-on effect."

Sun Brews Up Rich JavaFX

Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq: JAVA) clasp launch a smack new dais inwardly an aim to gain a balance in the swiftly mushrooming well-to-do internet application (RIA) span, in holder of capably as generate solution in flying buttress of untangle devices and even TVs. The platform, JavaFX 1.0, seek to agree to developers compile Web apps beside high-fidelity audio and video, rich manuscript, vector graphics, animation and Web services for, as Sun actions, "all the screen of natural life." Because Java technology be already install by the players of greater than 90 percent of PC desktops and laptops, can be found on 85 percent of mobile devices, and is in next-generation television, Blu-ray lp players, and TV set-top boxes, Sun say JavaFX open wakeful a yawning souk for developers and contented author.

"The Internet marketplace has evolve within and well ended and done the standard Web browser, fueled through an blast of Java-powered smartphones and punter electronics devices, from RIM's BlackBerry to Amazon's (Nasdaq: AMZN) Kindle," noted Jonathan Schwartz, chief executive officer and president of Sun Microsystems.

"Sun's most recent JavaFX platform integrate Java technology across billions of such devices, with an comfortable to misuse, open starting point platform immediately enable with manager video and audio, target consumers and content landowner across the world -- and across the Internet," he added.

To acquire consumers interested, ease-of-use is paramount. Sun is trumpet its Drag-to-Install characteristic, which let climax user heave and plummet JavaFX applications inexpressive from their browsers onto their desktops.

For developers, JavaFX avoid by a long approach of Java's erudition and could extend a dramatically curtailed abundance cycle and bring in it easier to create RIAs for desktops, browsers and mobile devices. Sun says it has a new JavaFX mobile emulator, and Sun's JavaFX mobile platform will be free of charge to Sun's mobile partner in the spring of 2009.

"The biggest flout for Sun is mortal belated to the observer sport and also getting extant Java developers to convert from the Web application-dominated mindset to using JavaFX for their UIs (user interfaces)," Michael Cot, an analyst for RedMonk, tell TechNewsWorld.

"Adobe has be court the Java developer world with Flex for a while but hasn't step up the concrete trade as much as Sun demonstrably can. That said, within is a body amount of Flex zing at the flash," he added.

In jargon of today's RIA group, "It's Silverlight vs. Flash Platform vs. JavaFX vs. Ajax," he said, note that Java developers tend to have a ball of Sun preconception in them.

"Java developers tend to close to things that come from the Java world to quite a lot of extent than face of it. ... Still, there's profusely of work to apply to win over those developers to shipping towards the outside Ajax-based Web apps as their initial UI blanket," he explain.

"It would be monumental for Java to revisit to the UI layer, principally with the GUI-ness that things like JavaFX bring," he added.

Full JavaFX article of art finer point, symbols sample and applications, tutorial, article and documentation for the JavaFX platform be available here.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


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